姉妹都市グレシャム市からマウントフッド・コミュニティカレッジの学生が江別市に訪問しました。 Mount Hood Community College Students Visit Ebetsu
マウントフッド・コミュニティカレッジ(MHCC)から12人が来江しました。 Twelve Visitors from Mount Hood Community College
(English below Japanese)
Eleven students and one teacher visited Ebetsu from Mount Hood Community College (MHCC), located in Ebetsu's sister city of Gresham, Oregon. They met with Mayor Yoshihito Goto on Thursday, June 27. Each student introduced themselves in Japanese, and they talked about the foods they want to try and the things they want to do in Ebetsu. They also talked about how they plan to use Japanese in their futures. The mayor talked about his experience in Gresham, and offered the students words of encouragement. They had a very pleasant conversation.
On the same day, the group observed the English class of an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), and visited the Ebetsu Museum of Local History. They also shopped for souvenirs at ËBRI.
The students from MHCC stayed with host families in Ebetsu from June 24 to July 7. They attended classes at Sapporo Gakuin University (SGU) and participated in cultural exchange activities with the students there. Many of the students from MHCC expressed their desire to study Japanese harder and visit Ebetsu again. In addition, SGU students and host families developed an interest in studying more English and visiting Gresham in the future. It was a meaningful sister city exchange for everyone involved.