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姉妹都市グレシャム市から高校生を受け入れました。 Gresham High School Student Visited Ebetsu

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2023年9月4日更新

グレシャム高校 2年生 ランデン・マイラムさん Landen Myhrum, 11th Grade, Gresham High School

新千歳空港 市長表敬訪問 江別神社

ALTの授業 ピザパーティー さよならパーティー






Landen Myhrum, 11th grader at Gresham High School, located in Gresham, Oregon USA, took part in the Sister City High School Student Exchange Program from June 28 until July 26. He stayed with a host family and attended Ritsumeikan Keisho High School in Ebetsu. Through this program, Landen was able to experience life in a Japanese home and school.

Landen participated in many events while he was here. First, on July 7, he paid a visit to the mayor of Ebetsu and went on a tour of the city, organized by the Ebetsu Sister City Committee. He visited Ebetsu Shrine, the Ebetsu City Local History Museum, and the Ebetsu International Center, and showed much interest in the history and culture of the area. For lunch, he enjoyed a piping hot bowl of miso ramen made with locally grown flour at Shoryu.

On the morning of the 24th, he visited Oasa Elementary School. He took part in ALT Joseph Abonmai’s English class, and taught the students about American summer vacation. During recess, he joined the students in an exciting game of dodgeball. In the afternoon, we held a pizza party at the Board of Education, and four high school students from Ebetsu who participated in the Sister City Online Exchange a few months ago also joined. Landen actively communicated with the students, and they bonded over common interests. Finally, in the evening we held a farewell party with Landen’s host family and staff from his school.

Thanks to the cooperation of his host family, Landen spent a very fulfilling month here!

The Sister City High School Student Exchange Program has hosted 65 students in Ebetsu and sent 92 students to Gresham since its start in 1978.